Thursday, April 26, 2012

kindle touch

I am debating buying a Kindle Touch. When I am in Turkey I will be spending large amounts of time on a bus. We are planning on taking a 30 hour bus trip from Istanbul to Rize and then into old Georgia! With that being said, I would rather not waste precious packing space with books. The Kindle Touch is $99, which I think is a great deal because I would have had to buy around six books for my trip. Six books at $15 a piece = $90. A Kindle just seems much more convenient for my travels. If anyone has a Kindle please let me know what you think of it!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I leave for Turkey in FOUR WEEKS!

it makes me happy

I took an online class this semester, Conservation of the Environment. My professor assigned us to read 11 chapters in a book I didn't want to read and to watch a movie. Once we were done with that there was a quiz. I watched the movie... Decided I didn't want to spend all day reading. Took the quiz. There was not a single reference to the book I was supposed to read. I got 100% on the quiz!!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

little things that make me smile

It shocks me sometimes that the littlest thing can make me smile for a whole day. Today it was the sun. It has been raining for the last week nonstop. But now it is finally supposed to stay sunny for the whole week! When I wake up the first thing I do is open my blinds. Today when I crawled out of my lofted bed and opened the binds there was sun! 

That's how I know today is going to be a wonderful day :)

Friday, April 20, 2012


My current obsession is the tv show Breakout Kings. I stole Alex's PS3 so now I can watch the old seasons on Netflix :)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

My life now

A photo my professor took in Istanbul last year. 
My biggest dream is to travel the world. I am headed to Turkey in 33 days and my excitement is becoming uncontrollable. The reason I decided to become a journalism major is because my mom planted the idea of becoming a travel journalist in my brain. She knows how much I love people and learning about other cultures. I have told my mom many times that I want to move out of the states. When I told her this, I never thought it could really happen. It is becoming more of a possibility daily.

Big news: I am declaring a second major. That's right, I am double majoring. It is going to be stressful and I am going to hate it at times, but I know that it is worth it. My second major will be in Women's Studies, something that I have become overly passionate about the past 9 months. The struggles that women face daily are so interesting to me.

So lets talk about how my two majors go together. I want to write. I want to talk to women about their lives. I want to travel. Ideally, after school I will travel the world while talking to women about the struggles they face in their countries, and write about it all to educate and enlighten others. I want to instill this passion I hold in as many people as possible.

Even though I am headed to Turkey, that isn't enough. I have a list of places I want to go. Currently the top of the list is India. Following India are South Africa, Brazil, and the Netherlands. I just want to experience the world and write about it.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

On my heart tonight.

I just read an article in my campus newspaper about chalk on sidewalks. On my campus, organizations like to write notes to people as they are walking. This is normally all fine. But lately there have been religious arguments taking place on the sidewalks.

"Atheism doesn't promote hate  or condemn people to hell."
"Charles Darwin is Lord."
The Christian Fish symbol with evolve written inside.
Poking fun of the "WWJD" acronym.
"This just in: There are more religions than Christianity."

All of these messages are, in my mind, intended to criminalize Christianity. While I respect all religions, I do not see this as acceptable. I should not feel that my religion is being mocked while I am walking to class. I am sure that other people on this campus have a problem with these lovely decorations. As a Christian I would never think to write messages similar to these aimed at Muslims or Jews, so why must atheists mock Christians? Atheists also claimed that "Atheism is the WAY" and "COEXIST" (of course with each letter as a religious symbol). I don't understand how they expect everyone to coexist if they believe that atheism is the only way and constantly attack Christianity. Doesn't seem like we can all coexist if they only want their way. What do you think?

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

piled up

I am so close to being done with classes. I would be a bit more excited about this if I didn't have a list a mile long of things I have to finish first. Stress is piling up.